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Checkboxes in LENGO: A Comprehensive Tutorial
July 17, 2024

In LENGO, a platform for language learning, checkboxes play a central role in tracking vocabulary learning progress. When you open a lesson, you'll see a checkbox next to each word on the right side. These checkboxes come in four different colors: Gray, Red, Yellow, and Green. Each color has a specific meaning that helps you monitor your learning progress. In this tutorial, we explain what each color signifies and how to effectively use the checkboxes.

The Meanings of Checkbox Colours

1. Gray Checkbox

Meaning: The word has not been reviewed yet.

The gray checkbox indicates that you haven't practiced this word yet. It's new to you and awaits inclusion in your learning process.

2. Red Checkbox

Meaning: The word has been reviewed but is not yet mastered.

A red checkbox means you've practiced this word, but you haven't mastered it yet. This word requires more attention and practice.

3. Yellow Checkbox

Meaning: The word has been reviewed and partly understood, but needs more practice.

A yellow checkbox indicates that you partially know the word. You've made progress, but it's not fully integrated into your long-term memory. Keep practicing this word.

4. Green Checkbox

Meaning: The word is mastered.

Green signifies that you've mastered this word. You've successfully learned and reviewed it, and it's securely stored in your memory.

Checkboxes with Checks

In addition to colors, checkboxes can either be empty or filled with a checkmark.

  • Empty Checkbox: An empty checkbox means the word is currently not included in your active practice list. You won't practice this word when you press the start button.
  • Checkbox with Checkmark: A checkbox with a checkmark indicates the word is included in your active practice list. Pressing the start button will include this word in your exercises. This feature is particularly useful for focusing on specific words you're not yet confident with.

Automatic Selection of Vocabulary

By default, the Spaced Repetition Algorithm ensures efficient use of your learning time by considering:

  • Colors of the checkboxes: These represent the learning stage of the vocabulary (Gray, Red, Yellow, Green).
  • Time since last repetition: Words that have not been reviewed for a longer period are given priority.
  • Additional factors: Individual progress and learning habits.

This automatic re-selection of vocabulary occurs every time a lesson is opened or an exercise is completed and you click on "Next". However, if you click on "Repeat" after an exercise, you can quiz yourself on the same vocabulary again.

Manual Selection of Vocabulary

In addition to automatic selection, LENGO also allows you to manually choose which vocabulary to focus on. You can decide which words to review in your exercises simply by clicking on the checkboxes.

Marking as "Understood" or "Not Mastered"

To prevent the algorithm from repeatedly selecting words that you already feel confident with, you can mark them as "Understood". To do this, long-press the word and then click on "Info" in the context menu. Conversely, you can also mark words as "Not Mastered" to have them included in the algorithm's review cycle again.

Application to Custom Content and Grammar Tasks

The same principles apply to custom content and grammar tasks. You have full control over which words and tasks you review in your exercises.

Various Types of Exercises

For each exercise with selected vocabulary, you can choose from different types of exercises through the settings in the gear icon at the top right, including:

  • Flashcards
  • Quizzes
  • Language exercises
  • Listening exercises
  • Simple tests

The test where vocabulary is translated using the keyboard is the most challenging but also has the strongest impact on the mastery status of the vocabulary.

Practical Application

  1. Starting a New Lesson: When you start a new lesson, you'll likely see many gray checkboxes. Begin by reviewing these words, and their checkboxes will fill with colors as you progress.
  2. Monitoring Progress: Use the checkbox colors to monitor your progress. Red and yellow checkboxes suggest words you should practice more often. Green checkboxes indicate areas where you're making good progress.
  3. Customizing Exercises: Use the checkmarks in checkboxes to customize your exercises. Focus on red and yellow words by marking them in your practice list. This ensures you target areas where you need improvement.
Checkboxes are powerful tools for tracking your learning progress and optimizing your exercises. By utilizing different colors and the checkmark function, you can effectively work on improving your language skills and continuously make progress. Take advantage of these features to enhance your learning experience and achieve your language learning goals. Good luck with your studies on LENGO!

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