Will Future

Die Will Future Form ist die Zeitform, die in der Regel Handlungen in der Zukunft ausdrückt, die sich noch ändern können.

Die Bildung der Will Future Form ist einfach, und hat keine Unregelmässigkeiten.

Es gilt: Will + Infinitiv

Positive Aussagen:
I/you/we/they/he/she/it will play

Negative Aussagen:
I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not play

Im Englischen verwenden wir diese Zeitform in den folgenden Zusammenhängen:

Um Vermutungen über etwas zu machen:
I think my friend will be late.

Um etwas Spontanes auszudrücken.
I will grab a coffee during the break.

Um allgemeine Aussagen über die Zukunft zu machen:
The sun will not shine tomorrow.

Will Future

I think my friend to be

I to grab a coffee during
the break.

During winter I to be cold.

My dad to probably arrive in
a few minutes.

You to earn a lot of money.

Maybe one day you to be

Everything to be fine.

Maybe I to find the love of
my life.

Lara to become a teacher.

I to call a taxi for you!

Hold on! My dad to be angry.

You look tired. I to help

She to not listen to me.

I hope she to not be late
this time.

I think they to not stay

Technology to improve in the
next few years.

My life to change tomorrow.

She thinks she to pass her

I think my friend will be

I will grab a coffee during
the break.

During winter I will be cold.

My dad will probably arrive in
a few minutes.

You will earn a lot of money.

Maybe one day you will be

Everything will be fine.

Maybe I will find the love of
my life.

Lara will become a teacher.

I will call a taxi for you!

Hold on! My dad will be angry.

You look tired. I will help

She will not listen to me.

I hope she will not be late
this time.

I think they will not stay

Technology will improve in the
next few years.

My life will change tomorrow.

She thinks she will pass her

Will Future


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