Present Continuous

Das Present Continuous ist neben dem Present Simple eine weitere Gegenwartsform.

Die Bildung des Present Continuous ist sehr unkompliziert:

Positive Aussagen
I + am + verb + ing = I am eating
You/We/They + are + verb + ing = They are eating
He/She/It + is + verb + ing = He is eating

Negative Aussagen:
I + am + not + verb + ing = I am not eating
You/We/They + are + not + verb + ing = They are not eating
He/She/It + is + not + verb + ing = He is not eating

Im Englischen verwenden wir diese Zeitform in den folgenden Zusammenhängen:

Um über Handlungen, die im Moment des Sprechens zu sprechen:
I am eating an apple right now.

Um eine Veränderung zu beschreiben:
Your English is getting better.

Um über einen feststehenden Plan in der Zukunft zu sprechen, der meistens mit einem sozialen Event verbunden ist.
I am going to the restaurant tonight.


I am watching
You are watching
He/She/It is watching
We are watching
They are watching


I am eating
You are eating
He/She/It is eating
We are eating
They are eating

Present Continuous

I to study English right

Paul to eat four meals right

I to currently watch a new

My dad to help me right now
with my homework.

My sister to not help me
with my current homework.

I to live the life of my

Your English to get better
because of LENGO.

We to eat at home tonight.

Isabel to go to the club at
8 pm.

Our teacher to get more

Mom and Dad to fly to Greece
right now.

He to not dance at the

The teacher to scream at us
right now.

My English to not get

The dog to sleep in my bed
right now.

At the moment, my cat to beg
for food.

I see that you to not try

I am studying English right

Paul is eating four meals right

I am currently watching a new

My dad is helping me right now
with my homework.

My sister is not helping me
with my current homework.

I am living the life of my

Your English is getting better
because of LENGO.

We are eating at home tonight.

Isabel is going to the club at
8 pm.

Our teacher is getting more

Mom and Dad are flying to Greece
right now.

He is not dancing at the

The teacher is screaming at us
right now.

My English is not getting

The dog is sleeping in my bed
right now.

At the moment, my cat is begging
for food.

I see that you are not trying.

Present Continuous


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