Past Continuous

Das Past Continuous ist die Zeitform, die in der Regel Handlungen in der Vergangenheit ausdrückt, die über einen längeren Zeitraum andauerten.

Die Bildung des Past Continuous ist einfach und hat keine Ausnahmen im Vergleich zum Past Simple.

Generell gilt: to be (Past Simple) + infinitiv + ing

Positive Aussagen:
I was playing
You/we/they were playing
He/she/it was playing

Negative Aussagen:
I was not playing
You/we/they were not playing
He/she/it was not playing

Im Englischen verwenden wir diese Zeitform in den folgenden Zusammenhängen:

Um Handlungen auszudrücken, die zu einer Bestimmten Zeit in der Vergangenheit über eine längere Zeit andauerten:
Yesterday, he was speaking English.

Um Handlungen, die zur gleichen Zeit stattfanden, auszudrücken. Dies geschieht meistens mit dem Bindewort while
He was singing while he was eating.

Gemeinsam mit dem Past Simple, wenn das Past Continuous eine Handlung beschreibt, die durch das Past Simple unterbrochen wird:
He was singing when his mom started to scream.

Past Continuous

Yesterday, he to speak

He to sing while he was

My mom to cook and clean at
the same time.

My mom to cook when it
suddenly started to smell bad.

I to use LENGO when my phone
stopped working.

Last week, he to dive for
such a long time.

While Sara was dancing,
everyone to film her.

When she called, I to watch

While you were sitting around,
I to study for my exam.

Sara to wait for Paul at the

The telephone to ring when I
opened the door.

She to sleep for so long.

My dad to work all night.

Yesterday, he was speaking

He was singing while he was

My mom was cooking and cleaning at
the same time.

My mom was cooking when it
suddenly started to smell bad.

I was using LENGO when my phone
stopped working.

Last week, he was diving for
such a long time.

While Sara was dancing,
everyone was filming her.

When she called, I was watching

While you were sitting around,
I was studying for my exam.

Sara was waiting for Paul at the

The telephone was ringing when I
opened the door.

She was sleeping for so long.

My dad was working all night.

Past Continuous


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